Cross country
20km | LSD | grass/trail | 1:50:00
I was harbouring thoughts last night of making my CR 5km Challenge debut this morning. But I woke around 5.00am and basically couldn't be bothered driving out to the Bay etc. So I had some breakie and decided on a leisurely trek around Centennial, Queens and Moore Parks.
The outside/inside fence run of Centennial Park with a diversion out to Federation Way and then the perimeter of Queens Park is 10kms all up. So I did two laps.
It was a wonderful run on a beautiful morning. I can sense that the old legs appreciated the soft surface too.
I have no niggles today.
Mood: --->
You are on fire mate. What a great way to start the long weekend. So glad your niggles have disappeared!
So what's next - CC Half ? Canberra marathon?? :-)
Nice going Gronk for a LSD!
Cheers R2B
Two no-niggle days. Nice. I like that GE photo of the beach. All soft sand too - even if it wasn't at Coolangatta Gold pace.
No niggles is good news, Gronk. Take it easy now!
Yeah nice LSD Gronk - very nice ;-)
Good news on the injury front and the grass running for the moment should keep it that way.
I just came back and noticed your beach run in the previous post, well funny enough i did a beach run on friday too.
Very hard work looking for hard sand yet still sinking 3 inches anyway!!
Good on you for listening to your body!
Great to read that you are in good, niggle free form Gronk!
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