The verdict (part 1)
I saw CR PhysioLarry yesterday arvo and he prodded about to find that my right adductor (which is located in my groin at the scene of the crime) was mighty tight and freeeeeeeeeeeking tender (!)
After we chatted about what I've been up to in the past few weeks, he concluded that doing 30km on the flat grass and then ramping it up to do 32km via Heartbreak Hill and then to do Striders was just plain silly for an old codger like me. An overuse injury waiting to happen. Yes, when will he ever learn ...
So i have a bunch of exercises to do and I'll probably venture out for a run on Thursday to test it out. I've been told to keep up with the ice and voltaren for a while. Nothing over 10kms for the time being.
Basically I'm pretty relieved that it appears to be (at this stage anyway) nothing more than a tight muscle as I was thinking that I might have buggered myself and would be heading for a stint on the sidelines. I guess that that still might be the case but I'm feeling pretty positive about it all today.
Be good.
The reason seems obvious when you read it. Hindsight is invaluable for silly old codgers.
Good luck with squeezing another long one in prior to Canberra. If not, just do the 10 to 15s. Not knowing what you're in for is sometimes better :)
Good to hear it is only an overstretch and not something serious. Just do some more on the flat and leave the hills out. Not too many at Canberra.
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