My visit to the Podiartrist
46 days to go to SMH 1/2M.
Met with Andy the Pod today. Andy as it turns out is Podrunner on CoolRunning. Nice guy too !
Well the long and the short of it is that I'm all over the place. Andy measured, pulled, prodded and the like. Videoed my gait on the treadmill standing, walking and running. The result is that I'm a pigeon toed, weak calved, floppy tendoned pronator who needs orthotics !
So a plaster cast was made of my ugly feet and my (carbon fibre !) orthotics will be ready next Tuesday.
Andy the Pod determined that my calves were pretty lose but my hamstrings were all locked up and they need lengthening. He showed me the right way to stretch my hamstrings (I have more than one on each leg it seems) so it will be a daily thing now until I can touch my toes.
Stay tuned on that !
Oh, I noticed today that Larry the Physio is PhysioLarry on CoolRunning ! Way to go Larry !
Mood: :D
Good news Gronk!
If Andy the Podrunner is any good, I'm sure that it will make a world of difference. I had a litany of problems like yours before I got orthoses (Duck footed, not pigeon toed) and have been remarkably injury free. Mine aren't carbon fibre though ~ I'm jealous.
Thanks for you words of support . . . let's hope that we CR's can catch up at the SMH 1/2!
a.k.a 'Flash'
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