Bondi fog
Week 12 of 18
10km | easy
Twas a foggy night tonight down in the moors. The 1000% humidity brought the sea fog in down at the beach. Along the boardwalk visibility was down to 25m as I dashed (?) through the meandering tourists.
The calf is pretty good, with only a few little complaints at the start.
Mood: --->
Wow - what time where you there? We plodded around the Coastal path and would have hit Bondi at about 8pm ish, no fog then but boy was I feeling the humidity!
Great to see your leg seems to be on the mend :)
Beware the Jabberwock my son the claws that catch the jaws that bite, beware the Jub Jub bird and the frumious Bandersnatch....
Braver than me mate - people have been known to disappear on those foggy Bondi nights ;-)
Clairie and I were in Bondi on Saturday arvo. Not running though, just eating and drinking coffee :-) Her cousin has just opened a cafe there, in Hill St.
Gosh, that's clever.....all the things you show on your blog!
We're having some of those "twas foggy nights.... & days" here right now with so much rain. Not complaining!
I know that path well...learned to run there!
Damn! You've beaten us. Only 900% humidity here. No fog though, just buckets of hail.
Well we can still read your blog...
Hope everything is going well in the meantime :-)
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