Recovery Pt2
16 days to SMH 1/2M
10km | Easy
I ran on the road last night along Oxford Street into the CBD, turned around at Hyde Park and headed back.
My calves were cramping on and off the whole way. Once I got into a decent rhythmn, the cramping would ease off. However when I had to stop at a red light, it would start up again.
I figured that it wasn't a muscle tear, nor was it really bad muscle strain, so I ignored it an ran on. I concluded that running through the pain must be character building. Right ?
After long stetching, shower, ice and a couple of Voltarin - I was fine.
I have decided not to run Striders North Head on Saturday. At this point I cannot run twice in two days without causing some grief. My long run for the half is more important. Thanks everyone for the sound advice.
Mood: :|
Good advice to save yourself for the half, Gronk....only a couple of weeks off now, so no risks at all, please!
Stay uninjured Gronk. I think that you have made a wise decision.
Missed you today Gronk but I believe you have done the right thing. Afterall, the SMH Half is your goal race and you have to do whatever it takes to get to the start line.
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