8km | easy
Week 10 of 13
I took the kids into the city for ANZAC Day again this morning. I think its important that they grow up with an understanding and respect for war and those heros who fought on their behalf. In our family we have both close and distant relatives who died in the two World Wars. My two kids (aged 7 & 4) cheered and waved their flags proudly and showed genuine gratitude to many, many diggers. They made their Dad proud today.
I managed to squeeze in a run in the light rain before it got dark and ran the outside fence of Queens Park and the inside/outside fence track of Centennial Park. My quad (not ITB, more of that below) was feeling good with only a little of the niggle left from the past weeks.
About the ITB thing: I saw Larry the Physio on Monday afternoon and had a long chat about the whole drama. His conclusion is that it's not ITB at all but probably a quad/glute/abductor thing. As it seems to be fixing itself, we didn't really dwell on the remedies, but moreso on the cause. Larry has a holistic approach to these things and adopts a philosophy that these injuries are a result of an imbalance further up the trunk. For me, its a weakness in the left hip and a slight twist in the spine. Larry has given me a series of exercises which are designed to align the hips and strengthen the muscles which are currently under used.
Add these new exercises to the bunch of stretches that I already do daily and I am now bending and twisting for nearly an hour a day.
Just call me Swami from now on. ;-P
Sawme, I don't like the way your new name rhymes with sore knee :-)
What are the strengthening exercises the physio gave you? I'm doing clams, bridges, step-ups and squats. Just wondering if I can add more to the list. Every little bit helps.
That is great news. You need someone to tell you the cause not just what is wrong.Good on you fr taking thetime with the kids :-)
I know what you mean. I now have so many exercises I'll have to stop work to fit them all in soon! Let's hope it all pays off for both of us.
swami fits since we are playing cricket against Bangladesh at the moment. I'd be asleep if you made me stretch for an hour before running. zzzzzzzzzzzz
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