As predicted, my old body was not up to three days in a row this week. So instead I got myself off to the doctors yesterday for a check up (blood pressure, full blood test). As a typical male I haven't really had myself to a GP for many, many years so I thought it was about time that I did something about it. All good it seems. Firing on all cylinders the Doc says.
This morning I got myself off to see Acupuncturist Teresa Lee down in Hunter Street. Teresa is highly regarded by many CoolRunners and I wanted to see her about my left achilles. It's a funny injury this one. Almost a
claytons one. I can run on it fine now and can stretch almost 80% without pain. It's when I compress the tendon (ie; point my toe) that it gives me pain. I have noticed that because I am unable to do a full stretch, I am getting tight in the calf which is flowing on to a tight heel, PF and a bit in the shin.
I've never had acupuncture before with the exception of the occasional
dry needling that Larry the Physio used on my shin splints. So I was ready for the full pin cushion treatment, whatever that entailed.
Teresa gave me a light massage and announced that I don't drink enough water. Apparently she could feel this in her hands. This can lead to injuries she said.
I spent an hour on the table and must have had 20 or 30 needles in me in various places. Mainly in my heel, achilles and calf with a few in my neck, shoulders, hands and butt. During that time she also worked on my hip and glutes with shiatsu massage after she found that my left foot was
cold. The combination of acupuncture and massage would clear up my blocked channels it seems.
No running until Sunday and I am instructed to have a shower first and then apply an adhesive herbal strip she gave me from my heel up along to my achilles. She also recommends that I tape my heel and achillles for the next couple of weeks, drink 3 litres of water a day and avoid
sour foods. This includes beer, white wine, citrus fruits and Chinese Duck. Not sure why she mentioned the last one LOL. Oh, and bananas are great for recovering old legs. Cool, love the odd nana.
I found a guide on taping the achilles
Mood: --->